hi there i here is a work arround i made up for the live event with an AJAX
basically i made an ajax call and injecting HTML into a div - a live() click
event was not executing only on IE7 for some odd reason

so i included my click event within the success : function  of that AJAX
call at it worked out well for me

if you can give me more details about your situation may be i can help you

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:32 PM, g...@iec <abhi.pur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had encounter a situation in which 'live' seems to be not working in
> ie but nworking fine in ff.
> $('a.start').mousedown(function(){
>       {some code}
> });
> this code is written in js file.
> in another js file ,
> $('a.start').live('mousedown', function(){
>      {some code}
> });
>  is written in other js file.
> This code works fine in ff but does not work in ie.
> on click of this anchor, whole code is removed and again dump in page
> including this anchor.
> Event again bind to anchor in firefox but does not binds in ie.
> Help me out to get rid off this issue.
> Thanks to all in advance for your suggestion.

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