Do you really need to output this data embedded in the HTML? Does it
have any meaning/purpose without Javascript? There are two simple non-
hackish ways you can do it:

load data later via XHR, use an element identifier to bind it

output metadata in the class attribute - it's valid, and not against
the specification - the class attribute is not specifically meant for
presentation, the specs say "For general purpose processing by user
ex: class="link { foo: 'bar', amp: 'bamp', x: [1,2,3] }".

It's easy to create your own parser for that:

$.fn.mdata = function(){
   return window["eval"]("(" + this[0].className.match(/{.*}/) + ")");

$('a').mdata() == Object foo:'bar' etc..

It will work as long as you use valid JSON.


On Sep 22, 8:41 pm, WalterGR <> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 4:35 pm, Ricardo <> wrote:
> > This doesn't make any sense. If you're already using jQuery why keep
> > your handler in the HTML?
> Because I need to pass additional information to the event handler in
> a clean way.  (i.e. rather than hacks using various attributes on the
> anchor.)  Is there a non-hackish way to do this?
> Thanks for the code snippet - that's what I was looking for.
> Walter

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