On 25 sep, 13:13, Bertilo Wennergren <berti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MartinBorthiry wrote:
> >  I'm trying to do this:
> >  $(document).resize(function(){alert('yea')});
> >  but doesn't work on firefox or chrome,  only work fine on IE (WTF!)
> >  I'd tryied $('body').resize...  but happen the same.
> >  $(window).resize  work fine but i need to detect when the body's
> > height has been changed by ajax.
> As far as I know, resize is only supposed to fire
> when an actual window (or iframe) is resized. The
> IE behaviour is a bug.
> As for doing what you want to do, I have no idea,
> but at least you can stop trying to catch a resize
> event for "body". That won't happen in Firefox
> and Chrome (except, perhaps, if you can get your
> page to trigger quirks mode, but I wouldn't recommend
> going down that path...).

Thanks for your replay Bertilo.

Well, i'll try other way to catch that event... i was reading w3c dom
specifications (http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-
Events-20001113/events.html#Events-eventgroupings-mutationevents) and
document onresize event must to be defined since html 4.  :(

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