don't think height() takes 2 arguments, what is the ",10" in your height?

jQuery docs only show height(val)

Rick DeNatale wrote:
Safari Version 4.0.3 (6531.9)
Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3
and just for fun, Chromium (277338) today's latest Mac
development build.

I've got the following extract from my application.js file:

/*jslint white: false, indent: 2 */
/*global jQuery: false */
(function ($) {

    $('tr.replace-me').bind('adjustAfterLoad', function () {
      var $this = $(this),
        $fetchTd = $this.find("td.ajax-url"),
        $countTd = $this.find("td.placeholder-count");
      this.fetchUrl = $fetchTd.text();
      ; The next line has no effect on Safari
      $this.height($this.height() * parseInt($countTd.text(), 10));


What's going on is that I've got several table rows which are standing
in for groups of rows to be ajaxed in when a div is scrolled making
each stand-in row visible.

In order to make each '.replace-me' row have the same geometry as the
group of rows it will replace, the server puts the number of rows in
one of the tds within the row, and the url to fetch the replacement in
another.  I then use the adustAfterLoad custom event to get the url
and resize the height of the row by multiplying it by the number of
rows to be loaded.

On Safari the line to adjust the height seems to have no effect.  Any ideas?


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