
I've been using jQuery a couple of months and I'm really having a
blast with it but need a little help with this problem.

I have a table of records generated from a database that looks like
this. Each record has a checkbox with a unique id followed by a
person's name and employment status.

      <input type="checkbox" id="rptDirectors_ctl19_chkDirectorName"
class="chkDirector" checked="checked" value="25094" />
      <span id="rptDirectors_ctl19_lblDirFName">J. Pedro</span>  <span
id="rptDirectors_ctl19_lblDirLName">Reinhard</span> (<span
id="rptDirectors_ctl19_lblRelStatus" class="RelStatus">Retired</span>)

      <input type="checkbox" id="rptDirectors_ctl23_chkDirectorName"
class="chkDirector" checked="checked" value="29632" />
      <span id="rptDirectors_ctl23_lblDirFName">James B.</span>  <span
id="rptDirectors_ctl23_lblDirLName">Williams</span> (<span
id="rptDirectors_ctl23_lblRelStatus" class="RelStatus">Active</

When this checkbox (chkIncludeRetired) is checked/unchecked, the
person's employment status (RelStatus) is checked and the entire row
is hidden/shown. My jquery code below does this perfectly with no
problems.  However, in addition to hiding/showing the row. However, I
also need the parent checkbox to be checked or unchecked. So if
RelStatus == "Retired" then it's parent checkbox also needs to be
unchecked else then it's parent checkbox needs to be checked.

<input id="chkIncludeRetired" type="checkbox" /><i> Exclude Retired
Directors and Executives</i>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
          function() {
          $('.RelStatus').each(function() {
             if ($("#chkIncludeRetired").is(":checked"))
                if ($(this).text() == "Retired")

Thank you very much.

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