> I am currently using the .after to insert html code into the website.
> In the html code I am passing it I have div's with id's and classes.
> I have other jquery functions which look for those id's and classes to
> perform actions when the mouse moves over it, but it does not perform
> the action after it is loaded into the page using the .after.  When I
> view it in firebug I can see the html code there, but when I look at
> the page source the html is not.  I am thinking that the reason the
> jquery functions are not reacting to the inserted html is because it
> really is not there per the view source.  Is this accurate?  Is there
> another way to insert html code and still have jquery recognize it to
> perform other onclick or mouseovers?

When are you binding the mouse events to those element?  Before or
after you inject them into the DOM?  You need to bind them after they
are inserted, or you need to bind them using the "live" function.


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