Yes, I've did the change you mentioned and it did work as expected
I'm also curious as to what the purpose of it is also. I haven't
really delved into it but it looked like a message cache.

On Sep 29, 3:57 am, Thiago Miranda de Oliveira <>
> My code is like that:
> rules: {
>         'email_address': {
>             required: true,
>                         email: true,
>             rangelength: [3, 60],
>                         remote: {
>                 url: 'someurl.php',
>                 dataType: 'json',
>                                 type: 'post',
>                                 data: {
>                                         association_email: function(){
>                                         return $('#email_address').val();
>                                 }
>                         }
>          }
>     },
>     messages: {
>         'email_address': {
>             required: '<strong>Email address is required</strong>',
>             rangelength: '<strong>Email address must have 3 to 20
> characters</strong>',
>                         email: '<strong>Email address must be a valid 
> email</strong>',
>             remote: jQuery.validator.format('<strong>The email: <i>{0}
> </i> has already been used</strong>')
> Did you changed that code line that I´ve changed? If yes, did it work?
> On Sep 28, 7:06 pm, James <> wrote:
> > I've done a quick test on it on 1.5.5 and I'm experiencing the
> > duplicate message issue also using the following message options:
> > remote: function() {
> >     // $("#email") is the input field for the email address
> >     return $("#email").val()+' already exists';
> > }
> > remote: function(email) {
> >     return $.validator.format('{0} already exists', email);
> > }
> > Both returns the first error message despite changing the value of the
> > input to another invalid email input.
> > Can anyone verify if this is the correct way to go about it?
> > On Sep 28, 11:34 am, James <> wrote:
> > > Could you provide some code on how you're setting the error message
> > > "... already exists"?
> > > On Sep 28, 7:49 am, Thiago Miranda de Oliveira <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hi.. I´ve upgraded myvalidateplugin to the 1.5.5 and I was having a
> > > > problem:
> > > > I have an email that needs to be checked if it already exists by ajax,
> > > > and I was using theValidateRemoteMethod.
> > > > In my oldValidateversion ( 1.5) it works great, but in the 1.5.5
> > > > version when Ivalidatethe email field it show primary the correct
> > > > error message ( if it exists): "Email already exists".
> > > > But if I type another existing email, no matter which one, I get the
> > > > same message with the same email using the validator.format "Email
> > > > already exists".
> > > > I was debugging the code and I´ve found out that in line 932 the 1.5
> > > > version was written like that:
> > > > errors[] = response || validator.defaultMessage( element,
> > > > "remote" );
> > > > And in the 1.5.5 like that:
> > > > errors[] = previous.message = response ||
> > > > validator.defaultMessage( element, "remote" );
> > > > So I removed the "previous.message" and it worked great. Does anyone
> > > > knows why they added this previous.message to this line? And what
> > > > exactly it does?
> > > > Thanks

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