To answer your question on a high level overview:  of course it's
possible to use the plugin with/inside a user control.....  all your
ASP.NET code is doing, and this is whether it's a stand alone ASPX
page, one with MasterPages, and/or using User Controls, at the end of
the page generation you are creating HTML and sending to the client
browser, at what point the JavaScript/jQuery comes into play....

So figure out what you are generating, where you want to "block", and
wire in your code to ".block" and ".unblock" accordingly, and it
doesn't take clicks or iframes to make the plugin do it's thing

On Oct 1, 10:04 am, Renan <> wrote:
> Hello buddys
> I am a ASP.NET developer and I would like to use the jQuery BlockUI
> inside a generic control, designed to show a popup (with javascript
> and CSS effects). My problem is to disable (key tab, enter and mouse
> clicks) the parent window (parent element) (my control is inside the
> page and does not use iframe).
> Inside my control I have a DIV and I show his content when the user
> call the method designed.
> The problem is: I only see the "caller" of BlockUI using this type of
> eventhandler "CLICK", ex:
>         $('#pageDemo2').click(function() {
>             $.blockUI({ message: '<h1><img src="busy.gif" /> Just a
> moment...</h1>' });
>             test();
>         });
> It is possible apply that property inside the blockUI out of my DIV
> (parent element), inside my control, without click ? Is it necessary
> to use a iframe?
> I try other ways and do not work for me....
> Regards,

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