I have a bunch of checkboxes that I want to have checked when the user
checks a master checkbox. I've done this before and reused the working
code, but changed some DOM id's. The problem is its not working. I've
narrowed it down to is(':checked') as always returning false. Again,
I've reused working code from within the same site. The only thing
different are the id's. Here is my code:

HTML for master checkbox (within a container with id 'msgsInbox'):
<input id="msgCheckAllInbox" name="msgCheckboxAllInbox"
type="checkbox" value="" onclick="checkAllMsgsIn()" tabindex="-1" />

HTML for series of checkboxes:
<input id="msg2531cb" name="msgCheckbox[]" class="messageCheckbox"
type="checkbox" value="2531" tabindex="-1" />
<input id="msg2532cb" name="msgCheckbox[]" class="messageCheckbox"
type="checkbox" value="2532" tabindex="-1" />

Javascript for master checkbox onclick function:
function checkAllMsgsIn() {
        alert($('#msgCheckAllInbox').is(":checked"));    //Used to debug this
problem, will always returns false
        $('#msgsInbox input.messageCheckbox').attr('checked', $
        //$('#msgsInbox input.messageCheckbox').attr('checked',
true);  //This will check all the boxes, so my jquery identifier is

I've search through my entire site to make sure there isn't another
element named 'msgCheckAllInbox'. There is not. So I'm stumped with
this one.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance for any help.

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