I downloaded jEditable from http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable

I have run the code as
$(".cont").editable(function(value, settings){
              return value;

Afterwards for some reasons, I add the following code

$("body").append("<div class='cont'>aaaa</div>");

But the editable does not works on the same

Then I tried to modify the line in the plugin by including livequery
plugin by changing a particular line from
if  (!$.isFunction($(this)[settings.event])) {
            $.fn[settings.event] = function(fn){
                        return fn ? this.bind(settings.event, fn) : this.trigger

if  (!$.isFunction($(this)[settings.event])) {
            $.fn[settings.event] = function(fn){
                        return fn ? this.livequery(settings.event, fn) :

But then also it does not works

Thanks in advance


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