On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Marty Vance <marty.va...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've come across a situation where jQuery (1.3.2) doesn't behave as
> expected.  I've put up a batch of tests at
> http://www.xaraya.com/~dracos/strange.html
> What happens is when an HTML string contains two top level elements,
> various selectors don't work, and sometimes chaining doesn't work.
> The tests present 20 snips of jQuery code which should all work, but
> only some of them do.  A more complete description is included at the
> link above.
> I'm not altogether new at jQuery, so I could have goofed up somehow.
> I'm interested to know what's causing this.

Seems I goofed up by not using .filter().  Thanks to ajpiano in
freenode.net/#jquery for the solution.

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