Thanks Karl,
it does exactly what I was looking for.

Have a nice day!


On Oct 4, 4:56 pm, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> I've been working a bit with the jCarouselLite plugin, adding a few  
> features as I've needed them. I just put my version on GitHub if you'd  
> like to give it a whirl:
> There is a "pause" option for the carousel that will automatically  
> pause it on mouseenter and resume it on mouseleave. But if you want to  
> manually pause/resume based on some other interaction (such as  
> clicking a pause button), you can use the following:
> $(document).trigger('pauseCarousel');
> and
> $(document).trigger('resumeCarousel');
> You can find out the state of the carousel by doing something like  
> this (replacing "yourcarouselselector" with the actual selector you  
> used for initiating the carousel):
> if ( $('yourcarouselselector').data('paused') == false) {
>    $(document).trigger('pauseCarousel');} else {
>    $(document).trigger('resumeCarousel');
> }
> Hope that helps.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl
> On Oct 4, 2009, at 3:32 PM, Macsig wrote:
> > Any ideas at all?
> > I'm really stuck on this.
> > THANKS FOR YOU HELP. I appreciate it.
> > Sig
> > On Oct 3, 6:08 pm, Macsig <> wrote:
> >> Update:
> >> on jquery website I found something that could help me to achieve the
> >> stopping/restarting effect I need, here the code
> >> div.hover(
> >>             function() {
> >>                 clearInterval(autoScroll);
> >>             },
> >>             function() {
> >>                 autoScroll = setInterval(function() {
> >>                     go(curr+o.scroll);
> >>                     },;
> >>             }
> >>         );
> >> the code above is a patch to put into jcarousellite file and let you
> >> stop/restart the carousel when the mouse if over the containing div.
> >> However I would like to have 2 buttons and press them to stop/restart
> >> the animation and if possible I'd like to keep this functionality
> >> outside the plugin itself. So I'd like to have 2 functions running
> >> when the buttons are pressed but I don't know how (if it is possible)
> >> I can refer to the carousel. Here my idea
> >> $('#stop_button').click(function () {
> >>    XXX.clearInterval(autoScroll);
> >> });
> >> $('#restart_button').click(function () {
> >>    XXX.autoScroll = setInterval(function() {
> >>                     go(curr+o.scroll);
> >>                     },;
> >>             }
> >> });
> >> but I don't know what to put instead XXX. Any ideas?
> >> Thanks and have  a nice day!
> >> Sig
> >> On Oct 2, 8:35 pm, macsig <> wrote:
> >>> Hello guys,
> >>> Is there a way to stop a carousel (created with jcarosellite 1.0.1)
> >>> when it has ben set up with auto-scrolling?
> >>> I need to be able to stop it and restart it when a button is  
> >>> pressed.
> >>> If I can't can you please suggest me a plugin that have infinite
> >>> scrolling, auto-scrolling and I can stop/restart?
> >>> Thanks and have a nice day.
> >>> Sig

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