On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 6:34 PM, jessie <mi...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> Hi
> I have implemented this jQuery for image rollover on href
> The only problem is, is there a way to call more than one class for
> this particular function?
> $(function(){  // Document is ready
>  $("#nav td").enter();// call the function
> });
> So i have more than one class i'd like to this function but i have no
> idea on how to add to it....
> here is the jQuery
> function getLeaf(url) {
> var splited=url.split('?');// remove all the parameter from url
> url=splited[0];
> return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/")+1);// return file name
> without domain and path
> }
> jQuery.fn.extend({
>  enter: function() {//plugins creation
>     return this.each(function() {
>       var pth = $(this).find("img")[0];
>      //alert($(this).children().attr("href"));
>       if($(this).children().attr("href")==getLeaf
> (document.location.href)){// check that the link url and document url
> is same
>           $(pth).attr("src",pth.src.replace(/.gif/g, '_active.gif'));
>       } else{
>               $(this).hover(function(){
>                  $(pth).attr("src",pth.src.replace(/.gif/g,
> '_active.gif'));// mouse over Image
>                  },function(){
>                      $(pth).attr("src",pth.src.replace(/_active.gif/
> g, '.gif'));// mouse out image
>                      });
>               }
>               });
>     }
> });
> $(function(){  // Document is ready
>  $("#nav td").enter();// call the function
> });
> Hope you can help.
> Thanks
> Jess

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