I have some simple code:

  function() {
      function() {
      function() {

followed in the body with:

  <div class="A1">A1</div>
  <div class="A2">A2</div>
  <div id="Info" style="border:1px solid red;"></div>

Test_A1.htm is simply the following:

<div>This is A1</div>
<div class="A2">Click this text to display Test_A2.htm</div>

Test_A2.htm is the same as Test_A1.htm, only with the "1" and "2"
values switched.

When I click on A1 or A2, the text from the associated files is loaded
into #Info, so that works fine.  However, when I click on the A1 or A2
class within #Info, nothing happens.

I guess I am missing something fundamental here, so it would be very
helpful if someone could explain how I can get the text that is
displayed within #Info "clickable" so that it can load the other file.

Thanks for your help.


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