Hello !
 I'm  jQuery  newbie   and  now  trying  to build  an application
with  jQuery  Grid  interface. My  page  is  that ---
The  left  side  frame is  a XML  menu , tree2.xml  what  loads
another   html  files  within  my  webserver.
  JS  source  code  is  that :

        url: "tree2.xml",
        datatype: "xml",
        height: "auto",
        pager: false,
        loadui: "disable",
        colNames: ["id","Projects","url"],
        colModel: [
            {name: "id",width:1,hidden:true, key:true},
            {name: "menu", width:150, resizable: false,
            {name: "url",width:1,hidden:true}
        treeGrid: true,
                caption: "Left Section",
        ExpandColumn: "menu",
        autowidth: true,
        width: 200,
        rowNum: 200,
        ExpandColClick: true,
        treeIcons: {leaf:'ui-icon-document-b'},
        onSelectRow: function(rowid) {
            var treedata = $("#west-grid").getRowData(rowid);
            if(treedata.isLeaf=="true") {
                var st = "#t"+treedata.id;
                                if($(st).html() != null ) {
                                } else {
                                        maintab.tabs('add',st, treedata.menu);

I   would  like  to  add  right-click  menus  for  each  one   item
of   XML  menu.
 What  is  the   jQuery  Plugin   more  suitable  for  this  ?

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