Should I take this to mean no one's quite sure?

I know it's kinda rude of me to throw a chunk of code up like that,
but I'm pulling my (prematurely gray) hair out.

On Oct 5, 2:09 pm, Fluffica <>
> Good Morning/Afternoon (depending where you are)
> I would usually hate to post chunks of code like this, but I may be
> about to break my monitor.
> I've written a chunk of code, which on an address change, loads page
> content either into a black, or white div. The address change event is
> working, and the if statement to decide if the page is black or white
> is working. However the simple .load statement that follows isn't. I'm
> using the address pluggin (,
> which I suppose could be doing harm. But I can't see how.
> Again, I apologise for posting up what is surely one of those
> "Designers trying to code" questions, but would be very thankful for
> your help. Will even buy you a drink*
>         $.address.change(function() {
>                 alertSystem ("Address change!");
>                 var currentAddress = $.address.path();
>                 alertSystem ("Current address is "+currentAddress);
>                 if (currentAddress.substring(0,5) == "/work"){
>                         alertSystem ("This page is black");
>                         $("#blackArea").load(currentAddress +" 
> .blackContent", function(){
>                                 alertSystem ("Content has been loaded into 
> the black area");
>                                 fnc_openBlackSite ();
>                         });
>                 }else{
>                         alertSystem ("This page is white");
>                         $("div#pageArea").load(currentAddress +" 
> .pageContent",'ts=' + Date
> (), function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){
>                                 alertSystem ("Content has been loaded into 
> the white area");
>                                 fnc_openWhiteSite ();
>                         });
>                 }
>                 if (currentAddress.substring(0,6) == "/index"){
>                         $("a#smallLogo").hide();
>                 }else{
>                         $("a#smallLogo").show();
>                 }
>     });
> Tom
> *if you're in London.

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