Hello Miguel,

for part 3, you can use errorPlacement like this.

errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
               if (element.attr('id') === yourItem.attr('id')) {
                        // insert the error after a given Item
                else {

hope this helps

Bjarki Heiðar

On Oct 7, 10:29 pm, msimoes <msim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've started to use this plugin within an application I'm building,
> but I've noticed some restrictions in usage like:
> 1. How to "remove the label"? I just wanted to be able to highlight
> the field that is a required or something, and no label. For this I've
> create a new boolean option named ignoreLabel with default value as
> false ( so it's not ignored ). I verify this each time the show label
> is called and insert it within the condition that runs before calling
> the showLabel()
> Code as follow from line 231 to 233:
>         ignoreLabel: false,
>         ignoreTitle: false,
>         onfocusin: function(element) {
> from 598 to 599:
>         if( this.settings.ignoreLabel === false )
>             this.showLabel( error.element, error.message );
> from 604 to 608:
>         if (this.settings.success && false === this.settings.ignoreLabel) {
>                 for ( var i = 0; this.successList[i]; i++ ) {
>                         this.showLabel( this.successList[i] );
>                 }
>         }
> I made it this way because this way I can control when I want to show
> the label by form. Suggestions?
> 2. How to "remove the errorClass"? I just wanted the error class to
> work on the fields, and not on the label ( when I want to show it ).
> Again, I created a new string option where I define the name of the
> class that will work on the label. You can say I could do it by
> defining an input.error and a label.error or something, but that way
> would me more "static".
> Code from line 633 to 634:
>         if( this.settings.labelClass )
>             label.removeClass().addClass( this.settings.labelClass );
> from 640 to 644:
>         label = $("<" + this.settings.errorElement + "/>")
>                 .attr({"for":  this.idOrName(element), generated: true})
>                 .html(message || "");
>         if( this.settings.errorLabel )
>             label.addClass(this.settings.labelClass)
> 3. I wanted to be able to select where the label would show, when
> using radio/checkboxes since the way the code is made, it will always
> show after the first item and not the last. With this, for now I'm
> stuck. I could use DIV but this is not really the best option since it
> will make it DIV for all items and I want to use the label for the
> other inputs. Suggestions or is there a way to do this?
> 4. I have a nice bug :) when I press the submit button and there are
> errors within the form, if the error occurs for the second time,
> another label is added within the form making me have the same number
> of labels as the ones I press the submit button. The code I added
> could be reason for this or is it a known bug?
> Regards,
> -
> Miguel Simões

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