Hi.  I have a table set up with multiple rows.  Once a row is
selected, the class of the row changes to "clicked".  The id of the
row is the "sequence number", and each td within that row has an id
of  the "sequence number" plus a title, such as "account".  So, the id
of the first td in the first row is "1account".  I have an "Edit
Selected" button which I would like to create a function for that
would retrieve all of the information from the clicked row and place
it in the edit row text fields and select boxes.  This is what I have
for the edit button function right now:

$('#edit').click(function() {
  var clickedID = $('.clicked').id;
  $('#account').val() = clickedID + 'Account';
  $('#reference').val() = clickedID + 'Reference';
  $('#journalCode').val() = clickedID + 'Journal';

But, this doesn't work.  How could I retrieve the id of the row and
add each title to it?

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