Is this known to be fixed in the nightly? I wrote a quick test, seems
like document.ready still doesn't fire if jQuery is loaded after DOM

// make sure dom ready has already occured by attaching an event to
old school window.onload
window.onload = function() {
        console.log('window onload fires');
        var url = "";;
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], done = false;
        var script = document.createElement("script");
        script.src = url;

        script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" ||
this.readyState == "complete")) {
                console.log('jquery nightly is done loading');
                done = true;
                        $(document).ready(function() {
                                console.log('dom ready functions should fire 



Maybe I'm missing something? I think this is going to be a bigger
issue as more people start to use things like LAB.js and EFWS to
dynamically load js.

- Sasha Sklar

On Oct 8, 5:18 pm, Michael Geary <> wrote:
> Failing to run the document ready functions is a bug in jQuery 1.3.2 that is
> fixed in the current svn. It now calls document.ready listeners even if you
> load jQuery and subsequent document ready functions dynamically.
> At least I *assume* that it's a bug that was fixed, and not just an
> accidental improvement! :-)
> Try your code with the nightly you can get here:
> Regarding the onload for the script, the best way to handle this is to make
> a custom copy of jquery.js or jquery.min.js and add a line to the end:
> window.jQueryLoaded && jQueryLoaded();
> Then you provide a global jQueryLoaded() function before loading jQuery, and
> that has your other initialization code (using document ready if you want
> with the new jQuery code).
> Or you can add whatever initialization code you want at the end of your
> jquery.js file.
> -Mike
> p.s. Speaking of jQuery svn, are there nightly builds or the like
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Ryan Crumley <> wrote:
> > Rob,
> > Point taken about using onLoad for a script tag possibly not being
> > supported. In this case however that part of the code is working fine.
> > The issue I am having is related to jQuery being added to a page after
> > the page has completed loading. When this happens ready listeners are
> > never executed. If jQuery is present when the page loads then ready
> > listeners are executed as expected.
> > Ryan
> > On Oct 8, 12:45 am, RobG <> wrote:
> > > On Oct 8, 10:04 am, Ryan Crumley <> wrote:
> > > > I am experiencing unexpected behavior using $(document).ready() on a
> > > > page where I inject jQuery after the page has loaded and then attach
> > > > listeners to the ready event. The ready() event is never called using
> > > > Firefox and Safari however it is called using IE.
> > > [...]
> > > >                 function loadjquery() {
> > > >                         var url = "
> >
> > > > jquery.js";
> > > >                         var head =
> > document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], done = false;
> > > >                         var script = document.createElement("script");
> > > >                         script.src = url;
> > > >                         script.onload = script.onreadystatechange =
> > function() {
> > > There is no onload attribute for script elements defined in HTML 4.01,
> > > therefore you should not expect that a script element will fire a load
> > > event. The fact that some browsers do and some don't should be enough
> > > to tell you that browser behaviour is inconsistent.  You are unlikely
> > > to be able to reliably fix that with script.
> > > If you want a reliable indicator that a script has finished loading
> > > and is ready for use, put a statement at the bottom like:
> > >   var SCRIPT_LOADED = true;
> > > --
> > > Rob

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