I don't know how you should prepare the data. That was just example code.

Are you using $(selector).load(...)? You know that already has an optional
callback function:


Inside the callback, 'this' is the element you loaded the HTML text into, so
you could use $(this).children() or other functions to get to the elements
you loaded into that element.

I don't know what else to tell you without knowing more specifics of what
your data is, how you're getting it, and what you're doing with it.


On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 12:40 PM, kknaru <isai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hmm...so..how should i "prepare" the data?
> something like this?
> var someData = $(selector).load("page.php",{...etc});
> in this way the callback function will have access to the loaded
> content as jquery wrapped set of elements?

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