The simple fact that you don't have javascript floating all over your
doc inside elements is alone a reason that unobtrusive rocks.  Let
alone many other reasons.

On Oct 12, 10:44 pm, expresso <> wrote:
> >>>I think you have your design priorites backward. Firstly determine the
> functionality required, then how to best implement it. If that means
> using a library
> obviously we're past that point.  We've decided this was a good use
> for jQuery.  So how can you say priorities are tangled here when you
> assume we're overthinking this because we're using a library.  It
> sounds as though you're a bit anti-new, stay hard core javascript type
> of dude.  If you're using javascript to make an entire application
> fine, but I'm in with the new and new to me makes sense.  Unobtrusive
> is not overrated, it's good practice and it's a pattern as far as I'm
> concerned.
> On Oct 12, 10:35 pm, expresso <> wrote:
> > unobtrusive in this case is keeping javascript out of elements.
> > onclick= binds them together.
> > On Oct 12, 9:39 pm, RobG <> wrote:
> > > On Oct 13, 10:49 am, CoffeeAddict <> wrote:
> > > > Am I wrong to say you should never use onclick in an element as this 
> > > > would be
> > > > contrary to the purpose of using jQuery
> > > I think you have your design priorites backward. Firstly determine the
> > > functionality required, then how to best implement it. If that means
> > > using a library, then use it. If the library driving your design
> > > decisions, you might need to rethink using the library.
> > > > which means onclick would totally
> > > > bind mark-up to javascript?
> > > In a way that using a CSS selector to attach handlers doesn't?
> > > >  So it would not be unobtrusive in that case.
> > > The concept of "unobtrusive" javascript (i.e. attaching listeners at
> > > the client, rather than the server) is an implementation methodology
> > > that has been much hyped but probaby creates as many issues as it
> > > solves.
> > > --
> > > Rob

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