Yes, wrap those p tags in a div, and your markup is perfect for the the
jQuery UI accordion.


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:00 AM, Scott Haneda <> wrote:

> There are just too many accordions out there, can someone point me in the
> right direction.  This need not be fancy:
> <div class="post>
> <h3>title 1</h3>
>        <p>some copy here</p>
>        <p>some more copy here</p>
>        <p>and some more copy here</p>
> <h3>title 2</h3>
>        <p>some copy here</p>
>        <p>some more copy here</p>
>        <p>and some more copy here</p>
> <h3>title 3</h3>
>        <p>some copy here</p>
>        <p>some more copy here</p>
>        <p>and some more copy here</p>
> </div>
> On load, I would want the all p's hidden, which are in the class post, or,
> if I could say all p's that are children of the h3's, but I am not sure
> technically, they are children.
> The first h3 of course should not be hidden.  On clicking any of the h3's,
> which I will href a link to '#' on, that one should go from hidden to shown.
>  Clicking on any other h3, will toggle the one that is on, to off, and then
> turn the clicked one on.
> Basic, every example I find breaks in some way, or spends a lot of time
> prettying it up, which I do not need.   A final link at the bottom to
> "expand all" would be nice.
> About 80% of the examples out there fail on more than 1 p tag after the h3.
> I suppose I am going to have to wrap each in a set of divs?
> Thanks
> --
> Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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