
I’m using jQuery: form wizard plugin (http://home.aland.net/sundman/)
with a password strength meter plugin  by

The form wizard breakes up a long form into smaller chuncks. Last page
the user can create an account.

Both plugins work fine except the password strength which apears in a
tooltip when the password text box has focus. The tool tip appears at
the top left of the screen rather than next to the text box. If I
refresh the page with the segement of the form displaying the password
text box, then give focus to the text box the tooltip appears and the
positioning is fine.

Can you point me in the right direction to fix the issue.

Code for the password strength meter:

        $.fn.jpassword = function(settings){
                var jElements                   = this;
                var settings                    = $.extend({}, 
$.fn.jpassword.defaults, settings);
                var template                    = '<div 
class="jpassword"><div><p class="jpassword-
meter">&nbsp;</p><p class="jpassword-info">&nbsp;</p></div></div>';

                return jElements.each(function(){
                        // Manage all inputs type password
                        if($(jElements).is("input")){ jPassword( $(jElements) 
); }

                // Construct password meter
                function jPassword(jInput){
                        // Create tooltip
                        var unikId                      = "jpassword_" + 
                        var jTooltip            = $(template).attr("id", 
                        if(settings.flat == false){
                                // Define position of the tooltip
                                var pos                 = jInput.offset();
                                var win                 = getWindow();
                                var dir                 = "right";
                                var top                 = pos.top;
                                var left                = (pos.left + 
                                if((left + jTooltip.width()) > (win.left + 
win.width)){ left -=
(jTooltip.width() + jInput.width()); dir = "left"; }
                                if((top + jTooltip.height()) > (win.top + 
win.height)){ top -=
(jTooltip.height() - (jInput.height()*1.5)); dir += "bottom"; }else
{ dir += "top"; }
                                jTooltip.css({ left: left + "px", top: top + 
"px", display:
"none" });
                                jTooltip.addClass("jpassword-" + dir);
                                // Insert after the input
                                jTooltip.css({ position: "relative", display: 
"block" });
                        // Event handler
                        jInput.bind("keyup", function(e){ verifPsw(jInput, 
jTooltip); });
                        jInput.bind("focus", function(e){
                                verifPsw(jInput, jTooltip);
                                // Show tooltip
                                if(settings.flat == false){ tooltip(jTooltip, 
"show"); }
                                // Function called when the tooltip is shown
jTooltip); }
                        jInput.bind("blur", function(e){
                                // Hide tooltip
                                if(settings.flat == false){ tooltip(jTooltip, 
"hide"); }
                                // Function called when the tooltip is hided
jTooltip); }
                        // Generate a new password
                        var jGenerate           = $("#" + settings.generate);
                        if(jGenerate){ jGenerate.bind("click", function(e){ 
(newPsw()); verifPsw(jInput, jTooltip); return false; }); }
                        // Function called when process is completed
jTooltip); }

                // Verified password and update the tolerance meter
                function verifPsw(jInput, jTooltip){
                        var val                         = jInput.val();
                        var meter                       = 
                        var info                        = 
                        var psw                         = securPsw(val);

                        // Advises for write a strong password
                        var msg                         = "";
                        if(psw.lowercase < 2){
                                msg                             = 
                        }else if(psw.uppercase < 2){
                                msg                             = 
                        }else if(psw.number < 2){
                                msg                             = 
                        }else if(psw.punctuation < 2){
                                msg                             = 
                        }else if(psw.special < 2){
                                msg                             = 
                        // Correct length ?
                        if(val.length < settings.length && psw.level < 10 && 
msg == "")
{ msg = settings.lang.length.replace(/-X-/g, settings.length); }
                        // Display of level
                        if(psw.val == ""){
                                meter.css("background-position", "0 0");
                        }else if(psw.level < 5){
                                meter.css("background-position", "0 -10px");
                                info.html(settings.lang.low + " " + msg);
                        }else if(psw.level < 10){
                                meter.css("background-position", "0 -20px");
                                info.html(settings.lang.correct + " " + msg);
                                meter.css("background-position", "0 -30px");
                        // Replace value of password
                        // Function called when writing the password
settings.onKeyup(jInput); }

                // Verified degree of security of password
                function securPsw(val){
                        val                                     = 
val.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, "");
                        var cNbr = cCap = cMin = cPct = cSpe = 1;
                        var len                         = val.length;
                        for(var c = 0; c < len; c++){
                                var char                = val.charCodeAt(c);
                                if(char < 128){ if(char > 47 && char < 58){ 
cNbr += 1; }else if
(char > 64 && char < 91){ cCap += 1; }else if(char > 96 && char < 123)
{ cMin += 1; }else{ cPct += 2;} }else{ cSpe += 3; }
                        var lPsw                        = (cNbr * cCap * cMin * 
cPct * cSpe);
                        lPsw                            = 
Math.round(Math.log((lPsw * lPsw)));

                        return { val: val, level: lPsw, number: cNbr, 
uppercase: cCap,
lowercase: cMin, punctuation: cPct, special: cSpe };

                // Generate a password
                function newPsw(){
                        var val                         = "";
                        for(c = 0; c < settings.length; c++){
                                var char                = 
                                var ok                  = 0;
                                // Number
                                if((char > 47 && char < 58) || (char > 64 && 
char < 91) || (char >
96 && char < 123)){ ok = 1; }
                                // Upper or lower case
                                if(settings.type == 1 && char < 127){ ok = 1; }
                                // Puntuations
                                if(settings.type == 2){ ok = 1; }
                                // Special
                                if(settings.special && (char == 48 || char == 
49 || char == 50 ||
char == 53 || char == 54 || char == 56 || char == 57 || char == 66 ||
char == 67 || char == 68 || char == 71 || char == 73 || char == 75 ||
char == 79 || char == 80 || char == 81 || char == 83 || char == 85 ||
char == 86 || char == 87 || char == 88 || char == 90 || char == 99 ||
char == 104 || char == 105 || char == 107 || char == 108 || char ==
111 || char == 112 || char == 113 || char == 115 || char == 117 ||
char == 118 || char == 119 || char == 120 || char == 122)){ ok = 0; }
                                if(ok == 1){ val += String.fromCharCode(char); 
}else{ c--; }
                        return val;

                // Show or hide tooltip
                function tooltip(jTooltip, effect){
                        if(effect == "show"){ jTooltip.fadeIn(); }else{ 
(); }

                // Get window size
                function getWindow(){
                        var m                           = document.compatMode 
== "CSS1Compat";
                        return {
                                left : (window.pageXOffset || (m ?
document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft)),
                                top : (window.pageYOffset || (m ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop)),
                                width : (window.innerWidth || (m ?
document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth)),
                                height : (window.innerHeight || (m ?
document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight))

        // Default settings
        $.fn.jpassword.defaults = {
                lang: { please: "A strong password...", low: "Low security.",
correct: "Correct security.", high: "High security.", length: "-X-
characters would be a plus.", number: "Why not numbers?", uppercase:
"And caps?", lowercase: "Some tiny?", punctuation: "Punctuations?",
special: "Best, special characters?" },
                length: 6,                                                      
                                                        // Length minimal of 
good password
                flat: false,                                                    
                                                // Add jPassword after input or 
show it on
                type: 1,                                                        
                                                        // 0: low, 1: correct, 
2: high. Defined level
of security
                special: 0,                                                     
                                                        // 0 or 1. If 1, used 
the special chars
when generating password
                generate: null,                                                 
                                                // ID of the element whose on 
generates a password (without #)
                onShow: function(){},                                           
                                        // Function called when the tooltip
is shown (return: jQuery of input and tooltip)
                onHide: function(){},                                           
                                        // Function called when the tooltip
is hided (return: jQuery of input and tooltip)
                onKeyup: function(){},                                          
                                        // Function called when writing the
password (return: jQuery of input)
                onComplete: function(){}                                        
                                        // Function called when the
process is done (return: jQuery of input and tooltip)

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