Increase the hight of "#pillmenu" to  87px  or as per your
requirement. In "template.css


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Superfish Query <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using the Superfish Module and have been able to successfully
> install and use it. The problem I am having is that the sub menus are
> being drawn behind the banner / header area and therefore you are not
> able to see them or click on them.
> Please let me know whether to change the index.php or .css file to see
> the drop down menus properly. Following are details you might need:
> Joomla Version: 1.5.12
> Template:    Fashion Look (
> template=siteground-j15-93)
> Website:
> Please help
> Regards

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