Try to use this code for mouse events processing


... and replace your plugin code on this code:

(function ($) {
$.fn.fadeTransition = function(options) {
 var options = $.extend({pauseTime: 5000, transitionTime: 2000}, options);

    Trans = function(obj) {
      var timer = null;
      var current = 0;
          var pause = 1;
      var els = $("> *", obj).css("display", "none").css("left",
"0").css("top", "0").css("position", "absolute");
      $(obj).css("position", "relative");
      $(els[current]).css("display", "block");

      function transition() {
        var next = (current + 1) % els.length | 0;
        current = next;

      function cue() {
        if ($("> *", obj).length < 2) return false;
        if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);

            if(pause == 0){
               timer = setTimeout(cue, options.pauseTime);
          timer = setTimeout(transition, options.pauseTime);

          pause: function(){
             if (pause == 1) pause = 0;
              else pause = 1;


    return this.each(function() {
      var t = new Trans(this);

code needs to be replaced because the original plug-in that you use
does not allow to stop the show, I added a feature to stop the show,
but I have not been able to verify how it works, if there are any
problems - write to me at the email

2009/10/16 Tan <>:
> Anybody ?Please
> On Oct 16, 5:32 pm, Tan <> wrote:
>> Hi, I have see a plugin : Fade transition plugin for jQuery
>> Please see demo:
>> I want when i mouse over then Fade transition stop and when i mouse
>> out then it start.
>> I create a code:
>> $(".container").mouseover (function() {
>> $(this).stop();});
>> but it's not work. Please help me.

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