this line threw me for a loop.............  var aIndex = $("a#type").index(this);

reason:  ID's have to be unique so indexing $("a#type")   can only return 0 as there can only be one of them

therein lies a big part of your problem, your select and a tag use same ID

didn't look a  lot further but is always good practice to use var for something like     var toggle= function (){.........

would also take the "" out of the eq()    as it requires an integer ......eq(aIndex)   will work fine  assuming all other issues correct
Jason wrote:
Hi Gang,

I've been wasting time trying to figure this out to no avail.  Here's
my function:

toggle = function(){
		var aIndex = $("a#type").index(this);
		if($("#type_new:eq("+aIndex+")").is(':visible')==true) $("a#type
small:eq("+aIndex+")").html("Add New Type"); else $("a#type small:eq
("+aIndex+")").html("Choose From Exisiting Types");
}; toggle();

//Add Contact
        $("#addContact").load("ajax/addContact.php", '', function(){
		$.thisIndex = $("tbody").index(this);
		$(this).attr("id", "newContact" + $("tbody").index(this)).addClass
("highlight").after('<tbody id="addContact"></tbody>');

It's a toggle between a select box and a text input for users to
select from the list or create a new type. When I load a new section
into the table it then has another (new) type select and input.  On
the newly created set the index comes up at 1 (rather than zero) but
that's when I get stuck.  The Text changes in the <small> tag to
"Choose from existing types" but the inputs don't toggle.

Here's what my HTML looks like. Imagine two of these after the load

    <th>Type of Organization</th>
        <select name="type" id="type">
        <input name="type_new" id="type_new" type="text" /
    <td><a class="toggle" id="type"><small>Add New Type</small></a></

Any thoughts or suggestions would help immensely.


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