
Is it possible to provide a link or post some code examples of what
you are trying to do. If it is undefined in IE, it may be caused by
the way you are loading the scripts or the order you have them in.

You might also try putting all of your code inside a document ready
block to make sure nothing is trying to fire too early.

Hope that helps.


On Oct 15, 3:04 am, Michael Anckaert <michael.ancka...@gmail.com>
> Hello everyone,
> In one of my projects I use simplemodal to show an ajax loaded dialog.
> The HTML page loaded by the ajax call defines a javascript function
> setup_dialog() that I use to initialize some functions specific to
> that page. In the simplemodal callback onShow I call setup_dialog().
> This setup works perfectly in Firefox, in IE on the other hand (you
> already know where this is going :)) the function setup_dialog() is
> undefined.
> I tried replacing setup_dialog() with the jquery $(document).ready()
> function but to no avail.
> Am I trying to do the impossible in IE?
> Kind regards,
> Michael

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