On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:02 AM, TH Lim <ssh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I used toggleClass method to toggle the colors of my message when the
> user clicks a button. toggleClass() worked well if I didn't specify
> any duration i.e. instanteous switch from white background to red
> background. The problem arises when I added a duration of ,say, 2s. If
> the user clicked the button before the message has reached the final
> state (say the user clicked the button 1s after the 1st click),
> clicking the button will not revert the message to its original state
> i.e. white background. How do I fix this?

!$("#console").is(":animated") && $("#console").toggleClass('red', 2000);

This will cause the click that occurs during the animation to do nothing,
but will prevent your element from getting into a state where it can no
longer be toggle with a duration.

If you have any further questions about jQuery UI Effects, please post to
the jQuery UI list:



- Richard

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