Your URL is the culprit.  And the way you are passing data.

Doing is a GET request - the params are on URl directly. If you want this data to appear in the POST then you need to pass them right:

  async: false,
  type: 'POST',
  url: '',
  data: 'id=1&event=e',
  cache: false,
  timeout: 0

This *should* take care of the OPTIONS thing (I don't know anymore details on that at the moment..)

Some observations. Did you really mean to do a synchronous call? Synchronous calls are "blocking" - they stop further processing until a result is returned. If that result never returns, you've hung your code. This is what the timeout attempts to handle. There IS a time and place for synchronous calls, but with what you've given us so far I don't think this is one of them. To make it asynchronous (which is what the first A in Ajax means), you'd change your code like this:

  type: 'POST',
  url: '',
  data: 'id=1&event=e',
  cache: false,

Next, you are setting cache to false - I'm assuming because you really want the server to process each request. What I've done in the past is to just attach a random number to the URL.

url: '' + Math.random()

this works well enough for my needs, though I'm not sure if this is a "best practice".

Next, your url parameter points to ''. $.ajax cannot do cross domain requests (unless you use jsonp, which is a little beyond this discussion...). The URL should be a relative path to a file from your current page. Also, why are you requesting index.gif? Do you have serverside configs that redirect index.gif? Why not just call "mypage.php" instead? Remember that an Ajax call is a REQUEST of a resource, and that resource can return whatever. I suspect you are converting some old school code where the request for a gif file was a precursor to modern Ajax, but could be wrong.

Finally, Your request will return a response of some type. You should be handling that response in the success and/or error properties. Then again, they are not required. But what happens if something unexpected happens? Does your app fail gracefully?

This should get you pointed in the right direction. I suspect you may have problems with your event parameter (it appears it should be an object, not the letter 'e'...), but that is relatively minor.

Hope this helps.


Ryan White wrote:
Hey All,
So I am having a weird situation when using the $.ajax method. And have a couple questions regarding this. What I am doing is basically just using this AJAX call to send a 'pixel' back to my server so I can collect stats on events. This event fires once every 30 seconds.

            async: false,
            type: 'POST',
url: <>
            cache: false,
            timeout: 0

My requests keep coming in as OPTIONS call, instead of POST. Every once in a while I will get a random rogue GET request that basically mimics the previous OPTIONS request. The OPTIONS come very 30 seconds. The rogue GET comes whenever, only seldomly.

1)  What is OPTIONS and why would it come out as OPTIONS instead of POST?
2) Why would GET requests come at all? Why would they come randomly (seemingly) without being called? 3) Is this a proper way of sending a 'pixel' back to my server to track stats? If not, what is a better way?

Very new to AJAX, and definitely don't know all the internals. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance....

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