This works fine in chrome and firefox but does not in IE6. i am yet to
try it out in IE 7. As you can see, i have an input field and when
user enters a value and clicks on Save, Jquery $("span.saveLink").click
(function() gets invoked which populates the SaveUserForm(pls note my
input field is outside and its not enclosed in a form). The issue is,
form gets submitted but except isNew set to 0 or 1, all other fields
in Struts action show ""(empty string)  when i do this in IE6 where as
in Chrome and Firefox, form values get populated correctly in Struts.
Action. I tried Firebug and did not complain of any javascript errors.
What am i doing wrong? Please respond quickly as testing is blocked.

I tried to replace
        $("form#saveUserForm input#userGuid").val(id);
                $("form#saveUserForm input#amount").val(value);
                $("form#saveUserForm input#totalAvailableStorage").val
document.saveUserForm. totalAvailableStorage =id;

but IE6 complains that those properties are undefined.

<script src="scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script language ="javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

        // Add striping for data tables
        $('table.cbobDataTable tbody tr:nth-child(odd)').addClass('odd');
        $('table.cbobDataTable tbody tr:nth-child(even)').addClass('even');


        var numUserListRows = $('table#userList tr').length - 1;
        var totalAvailableStorage = "<fmt:formatNumber value="$
{requestScope.profileInfo.cbobTotalPurchased -
requestScope.profileInfo.cbobTotalAllocated}" maxFractionDigits="0" /

        // Save link functionality
        $("span.saveLink").click(function() {

                // Get the user id and submit the "save" form
                var name = $(this).parents('tr').eq(0).children().eq(0).html();
                var id = $(this).parents('tr').eq(0).get(0).id;
                var value = 
                var isNew = $(this).parents('tr').eq(0).hasClass("newUser");

                // Set the guid, storage amount and isNew indicator into the
                // saveUserForm and submit the form.
                $("form#saveUserForm input#userGuid").val(id);
                $("form#saveUserForm input#amount").val(value);
                $("form#saveUserForm input#totalAvailableStorage").val

                if (isNew) {
                        $("form#saveUserForm input#isNew").val("1");
                } else {
                        $("form#saveUserForm input#isNew").val("0");





        <c:forEach var="row" items="${requestScope.profileInfo.users}"
                <tr id="${row.guid}">
                        <td>${row.lastName}, ${row.firstName}</td>
                                <div class="view">
maxFractionDigits="0" />&nbsp;
key="page.ob.summary.gigabyte" />
                                <div class="edit">
                                        <input name="allocated_amount" 
value="<fmt:formatNumber value='$
{row.cbobTotalAllocated}' maxFractionDigits='0' />" size="1" />
value="${row.cbobTotalAllocated -
row.cbobTotalUsed}" maxFractionDigits="0" />&nbsp;
                                <bean:message key="page.ob.summary.gigabyte" />
                                <fmt:formatNumber value="${row.cbobTotalUsed}"
maxFractionDigits="0" />&nbsp;
                                <bean:message key="page.ob.summary.gigabyte" />
                                <div class="view">
                                        <span class="editLink">
key="page.ob.summary.list.edit" />
                                <div class="edit">
                                        <span class="saveLink">
key="" />
                                <div class="view">
                                        <span class="removeLink">
key="page.ob.summary.list.remove" />
                                <div class="edit">
                                        <span class="cancelLink">
key="page.ob.summary.list.cancel" />

<form id="removeUserForm" action="onlinebackup/"
        <input id="userGuid" type="hidden" value="" name="userGuid" />
        <input id="userName" type="hidden" value="" name="userName" />
        <input id="amount" type="hidden" value="0" name="amount" />
        <input id="totalAvailableStorage" type="hidden" value=""
name="totalAvailableStorage" />

<form id="saveUserForm" action="onlinebackup/"
        <input id="userGuid" type="hidden" value="" name="userGuid" />
        <input id="amount" type="hidden" value="" name="amount" />
        <input id="totalAvailableStorage" type="hidden" value=""
name="totalAvailableStorage" />
        <input id="isNew" type="hidden" value="" name="isNew" />

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