I think you'll do better at getting responses with an html example of what you are trying to find.

vtjiles wrote:
Shouldn't :first be the same as :eq(0)?

I set up a basic test page with one div in the body. I ran the
following statements to get the HTML element and the first works, but
the second actually throws an error.

alert($("*:has(BODY > *:first)").eq(0)[0].tagName);
alert($("*:has(BODY > *:eq(0))").eq(0)[0].tagName);

Other filters work such as alert($("*:has(BODY:has(*))").eq(0)

Any thoughts? This goes along with my post about trying to create a
selector which returns the parent, but the solution keeps failing if
it has :eq in the filter. http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/916b76084b041d88



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