As far as I'm aware xhr already follows redirections, and complete isn't
triggered before the final destination is reach (which makes it a lot easier
to ajax a restful app). There is a callback you can set in xhr objects to
handle partial loading events, though I haven't seen the point in using them
in my everyday coding life right now.

Michel Belleville

2009/10/27 Loy <>

> Hi everyone:
> I just started to learn jquery and met this problem:
> I would like to use .ajax to send a http request.
> For example:
> I got the code like the following
> $.ajax(
> {
>  type:"GET",
>  url:"./include/coor_generator.php",
>  complete:function (xhr,statusText)
>   {
>    alert(xhr.status);
>   }
> }
> );
> However, in 'coor_generator.php', I would like to verify if that user
> session is already verified or not, so that the content of
> 'coor_generator.php' is like:
> <?php
>  require_once("session.php");
>  require_once("DB.php"); //DB class declartion
>  $status_code = 1;
>  header("Content-type: text/xml");
>  header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
>  echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
>  echo "<response>\n";
>  echo "\t<status>$status_code</status>\n";
> ......
> ?>
> in 'session.php', the content is:
> <?php
>    session_start();
>    setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + 1*60, "/");
>    if(!(isset($_SESSION["username"]))||!(isset($_SESSION
> ["password"])))
>    {
>      header("Refresh:0;url=./login.php");
>      exit(0);
>    }
> ?>
> However, as I tested the script in Firebug, the returned xhr.status
> (in .ajax complete option) is always 200. Isn't it supposed to be 301
> for redirection?
> My objective is very simple: if the user is verified,
> coor_generator.php generate some x,y coordinates in a valid XML
> format; however, if the user is not verified, redirect the user to the
> login page. How to achieve this using Jquery AJAX? Thanks a lot!!!

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