Figured this out myself using AJAX - I grab the dynamic second menu
through ajax instead of toggling hidden options, which worked fine.

On Oct 27, 4:45 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> Oops, missed the link:
> On Oct 27, 4:45 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I have a table that looks like this:
> > The user can click the 'Add another category' link and another row is
> > inserted.
> > My issue is here: those two select boxes are linked, meaning that
> > depending on what is chosen from the first one, the options are
> > changed in the second one.
> > When I clone this row, the new cloned row doesn't work properly - the
> > first select box ('Publication') changes ALL of the 'Categories'
> > choices in the second column.
> > My HTML is structured so that the table row contains each of the
> > possible <select> elements, each given an ID that corresponds to an ID
> > number in the Publication <select>. For example, the Publication
> > dropdown HTML is:
> > <select name="publicationID" id="publicationID">
> >   <option value="01" onClick="showSubMenu('0');"> Publication </
> > option>
> >   <option value="21" onClick="showSubMenu('21');"> Student </option>
> >   <option value="40" onClick="showSubMenu('40');"> Contract </option>
> >   <option value="99" onClick="showSubMenu('99');"> All Publications </
> > option>
> > </select>
> > As a result, I have 4 hidden select boxes corresponding to each of
> > these Publication choices. Make sense?
> > I feel like there must be a better way to organise this - can anyone
> > advise me on how to do it? Above all, I can't seem to target the newly-
> > cloned select boxes without grabbing them all.
> > Thanks,
> > Matt

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