Sure, that was just to show how to avoid passing i a parameter or
returning a function (I put that as argument anyway, hence the
confusion ... my fault, that's what you get when posting in a hurry).
The function parameter you pass to .click is a event handler, so the
first parameter of the called function will be the event itself (I'm
using 'e' as variable to avoid adding further confusion):

        <a href=""; id="test_1">test 1</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_2">test 2</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_3">test 3</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_4">test 4</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_5">test 5</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_6">test 6</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_7">test 7</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_8">test 8</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_9">test 9</a>
        <a href=""; id="test_10">test 10</a>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                for (var i=1;i<=10;i++) {
                        (function() {
                                var my_i = i;
                                $("a#test_"+i).click(function(e) {


Hope it's clearer now. But, as Michael clearly posted, there are
better way to do it, avoiding loops completely and writing code more
jquery-style. The code above could be rewritten as:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                $("body>a").click(function(e) {
                        var my_i = ((/_(\d+)$/).exec([1];

On Oct 30, 3:57 pm, The alMIGHTY N <> wrote:
> Hi risteli!
> The problem I'm having is not with the "i" iterator variable but with
> passing an event into the handling function.
> The code I used to handle the "i" iterator issue is essentially like a
> closure, I think. Instead of defining the function right in the event
> assignment, though, I define it elsewhere in another function that
> simply returns it.
> Thanks!
> -Nathaniel
> On Oct 29, 2:16 pm, risteli <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > this is one of the possible generic ways to do it using closures:
> >         for (var i=0;i<whatever;i++) {
> >                 (function() {
> >                         var my_i = i;
> >                         $("#something").click(function(){ do_it(my_i)});
> >                 })();
> >         }
> > depending on your real code, it can surely be written in better ways.
> > On Oct 29, 5:29 pm, The alMIGHTY N <> wrote:
> > > Example page:
> > > Following one example provided in an official jQuery tutorial (located
> > > at, I can pass
> > > "event" into a function I define directly in the click assignment
> > > handler.
> > > e.g. $("#something").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault
> > > (); });
> > > However, if this is put into a for loop and modified to include a
> > > statement that requires a value of i from the for loop iteration, it
> > > won't work because when the handler is fired, it only knows the last
> > > iterative value of i.
> > > I get around that by instead making a call to a function that returns
> > > a function that executes the statements I want.
> > > e.g. $("#something").click(doSomething(i)); function doSomething(i)
> > > { return function() { alert(i) }; }
> > > So far, so good.
> > > The problem I run into is that I need to prevent the default behavior
> > > with event.preventDefault(). Browsers won't recognize if I pass
> > > "event" into the function even though the aforementioned tutorial
> > > indicates that one can indeed pass "event" into a function. How can I
> > > get around this problem?
> > > I realize that there are other ways I could do the same thing, such as
> > > applying a class to the links in question and referencing the event
> > > target (example below), but I'm interested in figuring out why the
> > > method I described above doesn't work and whether there's a way to get
> > > it to work.
> > > e.g. $("#something").click(doSomething); function doSomething(event)
> > > { alert($("anAttribute")); }
> > > Thanks!

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