Is there no one that would have any idea?... I'm sure that it's
something simple... to produce the error on this site the cycle + jcarousel  for imgs
on the left side... you just need to hover over the img to see the
thumbs when in IE once all is loaded, you have to click the right/next
arrow to find the rest of the images... that is the issue

Thanks for the help Cheers

On Nov 1, 12:43 pm, jeremybass_offset <> wrote:
> Hello, here on this site have
> a cycle + jcarousel  for imgs on the right side.. it works in all but
> IE... the issue is that I'm added the extra images after the load.  I
> have finally got the thumbs to act right but... well it's acting right
> in all but IE... so this is what I have...
> var stack = [];
> // add images to slideshow
> var stackNum = 0;
>                 var num =$("#img1").attr("rel");
>                 stackNum = num+2;
>                 var imageGroup=$("#img1").attr("alt");
>                 for (var i = 3; i < num+1; i++) {
>                         var img = new Image(497,284);
>                         img.src = 
> '
> images/'+imageGroup+'/'+i+'.jpg';
>                         img.alt = imageGroup;
>                         img.title = "IMG";
>                         $(img).bind('load', function() {
>                                 stack.push(this);
>                         });
>                         //$(".bigimgers").append('<img src="http://
> +'.jpg"  alt="'+imageGroup+'" title="IMG" id="img'+i+'" width="497"
> height="284" class="bigimger MainImg" style="display:none;"/>');
>                 }
> // homepage cycles
>     $('#feature_IMG_gallery .bigimger').wrapAll('<div
> class="bigimgers">');
>         $('#IMGNavINNER').prepend('<ul class="menu"
> id="feature_gallery_IMG_pager"></ul>')
>         var $Imgcontainer = $('.bigimgers').cycle({
>                 fx:    'shuffle',
>                 pause:   0,
>                 timeout: 5000,
>         delay:  500,
>                 speed:   300 ,
>                 random: 1,
>                 before:  onBefore,/**/
>         /*slideExpr: '.bigimg',*/
>                 pager:  '#feature_gallery_IMG_pager',
>         pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
>                         var Timg=slide.src;
>                         var str = Timg;
>                         var number_1 = str.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 ;
>                         var number_2 = str.lastIndexOf('.') ;
>                         var Timg = str.substring(number_1, number_2) ;
>             return '<li class="'+slide.title+'tab jcarousel-item
> jcarousel-item-horizontal jcarousel-item-'+Timg+' jcarousel-item-'+Timg
> +'-horizontal"  jcarouselindex="'+Timg+'"><a href="#"><img src="http://
> +''+Timg+'.-w0-h35-p0_thumb.jpg"  alt="'+slide.title+'" class=""
> style="height:35px;width:61px;"/></a></li>';
>         }
>     });
>         $(function() {
>                 $('#feature_gallery_IMG_pager').jcarousel({
>                         btnNext: ".next",
>                         btnPrev: ".prev",
>                         size:stackNum,
>                         scroll:3
>                 });
>                 Thewidth=stackNum*61;
> $('#feature_gallery_IMG_pager').css({"min-width":"417px",width:
> Thewidth+"px"})
>         });
>     // add images to slideshow
>     function onBefore(curr, next, opts) {
>         if (opts.addSlide) // <-- important!
>             while(stack.length)
>                 opts.addSlide(stack.pop());
>     };
> would anyone have an idea on what to do to fix it?
> Thank you
> Jeremy

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