Hi, someone want help me in this task: I want use MeioMask (http:// www.meiocodigo.com/projects/meiomask/) in my app. I know what zk5 is integrated with jquey, but i can not upgrade version of zk in my app. I try this code, but no sucess:
<zk xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <h:script type="text/Javascript" src="js/JQuery.js"></h:script> <h:script type="text/Javascript" src="js/jquery.meiomask.js" charset="utf-8" ></h:script> <h:script type="text/Javascript" src="js/jquery.metadata.js" ></ h:script> <h:script type="text/Javascript" > jQuery.noConflict(); (function($){ // call setMask function on the document.ready event $(function(){ $(”#txtValue”).setMask("999.999.999,99"); }); })(jQuery); </h:script> <textbox name="txtValue"/> </zk> I change the attr from "alt" to "name" in the $.mask.options, because the "name" property in zk component is send to generate html tag. Thank's for help