The reference does not show the use of quotes like you have:

Their example:   $("input:not(:checked) + span").css("background-
color", "yellow");

Yours re-written:  $('tr .myToggle:not(:hidden):odd').addClass
('gray');//hopefully works

On Nov 2, 3:31 pm, Manimal <> wrote:
> Here's what I'm trying to do. When I click on a tr i'd like it to hide
> then re-style the table to alternate gray rows.
> So on click I hide the tr then run this at the end of the animation/
> hide
> $('tr .myToggle').removeClass('gray');
> $('tr .myToggle').not(':hidden').not(':even').addClass('gray');
> I want to know if there is a better way of writing the second line:
> $('tr .myToggle').not(':hidden').not(':even').addClass('gray');
> I've tried:
> $('tr .myToggle:not(':hidden'):odd').addClass('gray');//does not work
> And some other variations on that. If i leave off the :not(':hidden')
> i'll get all rows whether hidden or not, which means coloring odd or
> even rows will not work, it won't look stripped.
> Anyway does anyone know how to do this in the selector? Or could you
> point me to some documentation on how to write selectors?
> Thanks!

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