I'm trying to build a special on-page navigation. The following html
is used to have icons/buttons which in-/decrement to header lines on
the same page. The <hx> elements are identified by class and have

<h3 class="sectionseparator" id="section1">
<a href="#" title="&lt;&lt;"><img align="left" alt=""
class="dSelection" /><br />
</a> <hr />
<a href="#" title="&gt;&gt;"><img align="right" alt=""
class="iSelection" /></a>
Section 1

A very first code (I'm a total newbie with JQuery) is this

       alert("xThis:" + $(this).parent);

but it only gives:

xThis:function (G) {
    var H = o.map(this, F);
    if (G && typeof G == "string") {
        H = o.multiFilter(G, H);
    return this.pushStack(o.unique(H), E, G);

Without .parent it's:   xThis:[object Object]
How can I get info about theobject?

Any help/idea how I have write to grap the <h3> with it's 'id'??
Any help welcomed!

PS: wondering why my previous post (as of Nov 4th) isn't 'moderated'
yet!!?? And receiving 'non-delivery' message on my gmail account.

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