Ah, local data on the page...

no idea, sorry

On Nov 8, 5:10 pm, cdukes77 <cduke...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Exactly ... the questions is how ... here;s the autocomplete script
> I'm using - I cannot see any way to add a list item that is outside of
> the loop AND part of the return ...
>         $(document).ready(function() {
>             $("#searchName").autocomplete(data, {
>                 matchContains: true,
>                 formatItem: function(item) {
>                     return item.text;
>                 }
>             }).result(function(event, item) {
>                 location.href = item.url;
>             });
>         });
> On Nov 8, 3:54 pm, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > What I'm trying to figure out how to do - is to have an "Add New"
> > > option in theAutocompletelist that shows (at the top or bottom of
> > > theautocompletelist) as a selectable option, regardless of what the
> > > user is searching for.
> > Well, if you have the plugin working, then you obviously have the
> > server side coding complete.. you'd simply add this "Add New" to the
> > end of these results on the server
> > On Nov 8, 11:19 am, cdukes77 <cduke...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > > I'm usingAutocompletein a search field to reference and load a
> > > record from a database ... it's working perfectly, thank-you for
> > > making this UI concept so easy to accomplish ...
> > > Is there a way to have a "special item" return in theautocomplete
> > > list regardless of what the user types ... In other words something
> > > like ...
> > > Imagine a Movie database -- with a UI that allows you to type the
> > > movie name in anautocompleteenabled text area ... as you type the
> > > name ... possible matches are displayed and available for selection
> > > (so far, exactly as you would expectautocompleteto work)  ... but as
> > > you type, and the list continuously narrows, the user finds that the
> > > movie is not in the list ...
> > > What I'm trying to figure out how to do - is to have an "Add New"
> > > option in theAutocompletelist that shows (at the top or bottom of
> > > theautocompletelist) as a selectable option, regardless of what the
> > > user is searching for.
> > > I can obviously have an "Add New" option when the user types an
> > > "a" ... what I would like is for the "Add New" selectable option to
> > > show up in all circumstances.
> > > Thanks again,
> > > Chip- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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