easy to find lots of examples....search this group,
 you'll find many a site using superfish that have links posted in threads

Bruce A wrote:
This post is intended for the author of Superfish (Joel Birch)...

As a relative novice to css xhtml, I endeavor to research and then use
best practice code wherever I can.
It helps me to not get into any bad habits and to see how things
'should be done'.
Necessarily this implies I may not be the author of the code. This has
led me to want to use Superfish, as it seems to have a venerable
heritage (through suckerfish) and great standards compliance.

However, as a beginner I would like to point out that it would be
extremely helpful to have access to examples of the code in action.
While you have your own much appreciated examples, I would love to see
various Superfish implementations 'in the wild'.

Would it be possible to have a section on your website where examples
of superfish sites could be posted?

Thanks for writing such great code!


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