Thanks Jules I'll give it a try now.
I was looking for something that would trigger the validation but I
thought it was automagically triggered onblur/keyup but perhaps thats
only after the initially validate via submit

* thanks for the typo spotting!.. totally missed that


On Nov 6, 11:14 am, Jules <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Validation only triggered if you call submit the page or call the $
> ("form").valid() function. I didn't see any submit() or  $
> ("form").valid() call in your page.
> Try adding this to your page
> js script inside ready()
> $("#validateMe").click(function(){
>    if($("form").valid())
>      alert("All data are valid");
>    else
>      alert("Invalid data");
> });
> html
> <input type="button" id="validateMe" name="validateMe"
> value="Validate" />
> Hope this help.
> BTW: you misspelled territory in ACT :)
> On Nov 6, 12:06 pm, Brad Hile <> wrote:
> > Bump
> > > Hi
> > > I've tried every way I can think of to use dependency to enable
> > > additional elements to be required and have had no luck at all. I
> > > simply want to enable "required" on a number of fields when a specific
> > > radio button is selected and for it to be disabled when its not.
> > > (These fields are hidden when the radio button is deselected)
> > > I've tested the response from the functions and it appears correct but
> > > after hours of staring at this I just can't figure it out.
> > > Help.. please?
> > > original code is on
> > > though I may have changed it by the time you look at this.
> > > So basically I've tried an inline function  something like:
> > > organisation:{required: function(element) {
> > >         return $(".payment_type:checked").val()  == 'invoice');
> > >       }
> > >    }
> > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > > Setting a var to true/false when the radio button is clicked and
> > > testing that:
> > > var invoice;
> > > $(".payment_type").change(function () {
> > >      if($(this).val() != 'paypal'){
> > >                  $("#paybyinvoicefields").slideDown('slow');
> > >                 invoice =  true;
> > >          } else {
> > >  $("#paybyinvoicefields").slideUp('slow');
> > >                 invoice =  false;
> > >          }
> > > organisation:{required: invoice}
> > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> > > Using an enternal function
> > > organisation:{required: invoiceme() }
> > >         function invoiceme() {
> > >            return ($(".payment_type:checked").val()  == 'invoice')?
> > > true : false;
> > >     }

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