Why do you have to create the page. People can just click print, and then save as pdf?

On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:30 AM, m.ugues wrote:

The problem using server side option is that I have a web site with a
lot of pages.
For every page I need to generate a PDF; so I need to create a Java
class for every html page where I reproduce the html layout (since the
PDF must be the same as the html shown on the screen).

Another problem is that I got a lot of form: printing a form with some
text with a client side option is easy: in the server side option I
need to send keep in mind all the data the user has insert.

I know is a strange user requirement to save every page as PDF...
I wonder if is techincally possible.

Thanks a lot.


On 9 Nov, 18:15, "Jeffrey Kretz" <jeffkr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
The jsPDF project, while interesting, has a long way to go. Their demo page


Worked fine in Safari for iPhone and Safari for Windows, but broke in Chrome
and Firefox 3.  And no IE support at this time.

Seems a bit tricky to use a product that will only support a small
percentage of internet browsers.

Is there any downside for you in using server-side technology? There are
many many solutions available.


-----Original Message-----
From: m.ugues [mailto:m.ug...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:48 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Create PDF from js

I prefer to make the job client-side if is possible.

My idea is to intercept the window.print command (where the layout is
correct through the css print) and not to send it to the printer but
to send it in some way to the constructor of this 

Am I completely wrong? Or may it works?

Kind regards


On 9 Nov, 13:19, "Jonathan Vanherpe (T & T NV)" <jonat...@tnt.be>
I'd look into something server-side if I was
you:http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/isa good option, if you have a
way of running custom binaries on your server.


m.ugues wrote:
Hallo all.
I found this library (http://code.google.com/p/jspdf/) as someone
suggested to create custom PDF files from javascript.

What I need now is a more difficult task.
I need to create a PDF file using the css media="print".

So I would like to generate a PDF file equal to what is sent to the

Any idea?

Kind regards


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

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