
I'm having issues implementing a custom skin using the media plugin.
I'm not sure if it's a syntax problem, or if i don't have the
directory set up correctly. The video plays, but the custom skin is
not loaded.

Here's my code to initialize the plugin
        width:     497,
        height:    407,
        autoplay:  true,
        src: 'flash/videoPlayer.swf',
        flashvars: { url: 'videos/new.flv', skin: 'SkinCustom' }
/*where SkinCustom lives inside a folder called "skins" */


and the HTML

<a href="flash/videoPlayer.swf" class="media">Video</a>

Also, I would eventually need the "url" flashvars to pull in a
variable.  Is this possible, and would it be simple as declaring url:
$myURL ?

Thanks much.

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