Hello everybody

It is my first post here I guess. I must say - I love jQuery, thank
you !
A few days ago I faced a problem that I cannot overcome and hope you
can help me. In the group archive I saw similar problem, but solved in
the way I have it solved, which is not sufficient for me right now.

I have a menu, which contains links within <li> elements.
I want JS to "click" on the real link whenever user clicks on the li
element, but can't do that due to propagation.
As one said there is a solution - catch attr("href") and use
window.location.href ... that's workaround I used until now. But what
if your link has target defined, causing new page to be opened in new
window? That's the problem I faced and window.location.href is no
longer correct solution here.

At this moment, in case o QV Report (below), instead of clicking on
the <li> "button" user have to click on the link. This would open new
page or new tab depends on browser configuration. If I remove
e.stopPropagation() from onclick event then click causes infinite

Here is my HTML code, simplified

<ol id="menu_ma" >
  <li ><a href="index.php" class="menulink">Home</a></li>
  <li ><a href="assets.php" class="menulink" >Assets</a></li>
  <li ><a class='menulink' href='aaaaa.php' target='_blank'>QV Report</

and js code

$("#menu_ma a")

$("#menu_ma li")
                        $(this).addClass("ui-state-highlight cursor-pointer");
                        var me = $(this);
                        var target = me.find("a").attr("target");
                        if( me.find("a").attr("target")!= "_blank")

As you see when <li> is clicked I trigger the click on <a> ... but
this propagates again on <li> causing loop.
I stopped the propagation but then "click" doeasn't work. I don't know
how to solve this, but believe that there must be a solution or maybe
different approach. If you have any ideas I will appreciate your

Best regards

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