hello, I have to files ans the first one index.html I use all the javascripts. As you can see in my script i like to load "aanmelden.html". In this page U like to uise a callander. How can I use the calanderfunction without putting the javascript directly into aanmelden.html
$(document).ready(function() { $("img[rel]").overlay(function(){ $("#aanmelden_page").load("pages/ aanmelden.html",'#startDatepicker,#endDatepicker'); $('#startDatepicker,#endDatepicker').datepick({beforeShow: customRange, showOn: 'both', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: 'images/ calendar.gif'}); }); function customRange(input) { return {minDate: (input.id == 'endDatepicker' ? $('#startDatepicker').datepick('getDate') : null), maxDate: (input.id == 'startDatepicker' ? $('#endDatepicker').datepick('getDate') : null)}; } etc..