Hi there,

It looks like you're attaching the cluetip method to $ ('a#ce_cluetip'). IDs must be unique per document (used only once). I'm actually surprised that Firefox continues to find elements with id="ce_cluetip" after the first one. I guess it's more forgiving.

Try adding a class to those links instead. Something like this would work fine: <a class="msg_head ce_cluetip" href=" ... ">your text</a>. Then you can select them with $('a.ce_cluetip')

Hope that helps,


Karl Swedberg

On Nov 11, 2009, at 9:20 AM, dondmcg wrote:

The cluetip displays wonderfully in all browsers I have tested except
Chrome ver. 3.0.195.  The problem is that the first instance appears
but subsequent instance will not display.

Here is a link:

If the above link breaks to another line be sure to paste in the full

We have the page displaying output from a database right now but when
it was still in a test environment just hard coded with data the
cluetip did not display, so the issue is not with implementation with
regard to the database.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, we love the

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