I've been using the jquery cycle plugin (http://malsup.com/jquery/
cycle) and it's doing exactly as I want except that it doesn't seem to
recognise the first slide as slide one. I'm using the onAfter function
to to turn the next/prev links on and off as appropriate and to
display page 1 of ? but the next link persists on its own on page 2
(when you would expect the prev link to have appeared) and, although
the pages are counted correctly, page 2 shows up as page 1 of 7 same
as the real page one). You can see what I mean at:


The structure of divs is quite involved but I think it's sound and, as
I say, the plugin is counting the divs ok.

Code below:

$(document).ready(function() {
        fx:     'none',
        prev:   '#prev',
        next:   '#next',
        after:   onAfter,
        timeout: 0

   function onAfter(curr, next, opts) {
   var index = opts.currSlide;
   $('#prev')[index == 0 ? 'hide' : 'show']();
   $('#next')[index == opts.slideCount - 1 ? 'hide' : 'show']();

   var caption = 'Page ' + (opts.currSlide + 1) + ' of ' +


I'd be really grateful for any help with this.


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