taking a look right now...

- first off, wrap those img tags in divs for more control(actually
just a suggestion, not totally necessary for what yr trying to do)
- give those divs the same dimensions as the images
- remove the "top" and "left" declarations in your styles ( img {top:
0px; left: 0px;} get rid of that)
- add "delay" to your cycle script, like so:

        fx:     'fade',
        speed:  1000,
        timeout: 6000,
        sync: 1,
        delay: -4000

That will ensure there is no gap between the transitions(minus 4000 or
even more if you want them to really "fade straight from one to

You are getting close, for sure! Keep bangin away at it, cycle is an
awsum plugin and has made many of my clients very happy w/little to no


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