You dont need to submit again inside the submitHandler function.

    submitHandler: function(form) {
        var gb_post = $("#gb_post").attr("value");
        var userid = $("#userid").attr("value");
        var ownerid = $("#ownerid").attr("value");
            type: "POST",
            url: "_scripts/send_message.php",
            data: "action=send_gb& gb_post="+ gb_post +"& userid="+ userid
+"&ownerid="+ ownerid,
            beforeSend: function() {
                $("#gbPosts").prepend("<div id='sending'><div>");
            success: function() {

$("#gbPosts").load("_members/gb_posts.php?funk&userID="+userid, function(){

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 17:51, Jojje <> wrote:

> Hi, i cant figure this one out!!!
> I´m using the validation plugin and want to validate a form to a
> guestbook. Im using ajax to post the message .
> the problem is that when i submit the form the first time it´s fine,
> but the second time it posts twice, and the third time it posts three
> times, and so on. adding one every time i submit. heres the script:
> $(function() {
>        $("form#send_gb").validate({
>        submitHandler: function(form) {
>        $(form).submit(function(e) {
>                var gb_post = $("#gb_post").attr("value");
>                var userid = $("#userid").attr("value");
>                var ownerid = $("#ownerid").attr("value");
>                $.ajax({
>                        type: "POST",
>                        url: "_scripts/send_message.php",
>                        data: "action=send_gb& gb_post="+ gb_post +"&
> userid="+ userid +"&
> ownerid="+ ownerid,
>                        beforeSend: function() {
>                               $("#gbPosts").prepend("<div
> id='sending'><div>");
>                       },
>                        success: function() {
>  $("#gbPosts").load("_members/gb_posts.php?funk&userID="+userid,
> function(){
>  $(".gb_message:first-child").hide().fadeIn(1200);
>                                        $("#gb_post").attr("value","");
>                                });
>                        }
>                });
>                e.preventDefault();
>            });
>        }
>   });
> });
> Does anyone see what i´m doing wrong? help would be muuuuch
> apreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Jojje

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