Can't you use remote validation?  This code should work.

            $("#password").rules("add", {
                messages: { remote: "Invalid password." },
                required: true,
                remote: {
                    url: ".../UVServer/login.php",
                    type: "get",
                    data: {
                        email: function() {
                             return $("#email").val();
                        password: function() {
                            return hex_md5($('#password').val());

On Nov 15, 1:45 pm, sprach <> wrote:
> I am new to javascript, jquery and validator, but really see the
> potential and am trying to use in a new application.  I am having a
> little trouble wrapping my head around the layers of callbacks.
> I have a simple login form that I want to validate, but want to send
> an md5 encrypted password to the server.  All of my validation works
> until I try and submit the form.   Here is the code snippet of the
> validator submit handler:
> ....
> submitHandler: function(form) {
>                         var pwd = $('#password').val();  // md5 encode
> the password
>                         md5pwd = hex_md5(pwd);
>                         //$('#password').val(pwd);
>                         $.get('../UVServer/login.php','email='+$
> ('#email').val()+ '&password='+ md5pwd,
>                         function(resp) {
>                             if (resp == 'false')
>                             {
>                                 // password didn't match
>                                 validator.showErrors({"password":
> "Incorrect Password or Email Address!"});
>                                 return false;
>                             }
>                            form.submit();  // Password matched, submit
> the form
>                         })
>                     },
> ...
> The problem that I run into is that I cannot call form.submit() in the
> anonymous call back that I use for the jquery $.get call.  In the code
> above, firebug claims that form.submit() is not a function.
> I have tried many work arounds but nothing seems to work.  I don't
> want to use the "remote" rule, because I don't want to pass the
> unencrypted password to the server.
> Help greatly appreciated.

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